Dew Tour 2016 Day 2 Full Webcast – Team Challenge

The competition started at 2 p.m., but the skaters couldn’t wait and started to flood the courses as early as 11 a.m. to get their grind on. Nine skateboard companies came out to Dew Tour Long Beach to take on the newly created Team Challenge presented by TransWorld SKATEboarding, and with a different rider assigned to each of the four courses, including tech, bowl, rails, and gaps, the atmosphere around the sidelines was packed with fans as well as the professionals hyping up their homeys.

The complete list of teams tasked to take on the reimagined Dew Tour Team Challenge were Baker, Birdhouse, Toy Machine, REAL, bLind, enjoi, FL!P, Plan B and Element. The format for the each course would allow for three heats of three skaters riding in an organized jam format for five minutes. Skaters were able to make a single pass through the course, or a maximum of 25-seconds in the bowl, but if a skater fell during their turn the next in line was free to begin

1. bLind, 369.32
2. FL!P, 359.66
3. Plan B, 358.99
4. Element, 357.99
5. REAL, 335.00
6. Birdhouse, 332.65
7. Toy Machine, 302. 32
8. Baker, 292.66
9. enjoi, 288.66


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